This is the schedule for REA2015. Don’t forget to visit our REA2015 website for all the other details! In particular, please make sure you register for meeting. Once you have registered and received your Sched credentials, please log in here and add the sessions you plan to attend to your personal schedule so that we can assign rooms appropriately.
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Johanna Selles

Emmanuel College, University of Toronto
Associate Professor
Toronto Ontario Canada
As far as creative practice, I am interested in photography and creative writing. My presentation continues to explore experiences at Toronto's Centre for Social Innovation and a course I teach on Creativity and Spirituality. How can processes such as designing for empathy and design thinking support the work of social innovation? What types of pedagogy support creativity and innovation? How can creativity be fostered when there are multiple accountabilities that constrain experimentation in teaching and learning, not the least of which are evaluation and assessment systems. Love to hear about your experiences in this area as learners or teachers or observers.